Summer Academy

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Deborah Chan
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About Us

What is CAPE?

The annual CAPE Summer Academy is designed to introduce the APE framework to interested graduate students and junior faculty, facilitate in-depth discussions around several key areas within APE, and create opportunities for participants to share work in progress and get feedback on research designs or proposals.

The 2025 CAPE Summer Academy will be held at UC Berkeley from May 28 to 31, 2025. We invite advanced graduate students (ABD), postdocs, and junior faculty members to apply to participate in the sixth annual summer academy. Applications are due by midnight (Eastern Time) on February 24, 2025. Find application details here.

The workshop itself includes several “core” sessions on the fundamentals of the study of the American political economy (led by senior scholars in the field), followed by more specialized sessions on specific topics (which vary from year to year depending on participant interests) led by specialists in these areas.  

The 2024 CAPE Summer Academy was held May 20-23 in Berkeley, CA. We hosted a record 20 excellent junior scholars from institutions across the US and Europe and featured, among others, the following specialized sections:

  • Money and American Democracy (led by Jake Grumbach)
  • The Politics of Regulation in the United States (led by Brian Libgober)
  • Local Political Economy (led by Sarah Anzia)
  • Understanding Political Responses to Economic Experience (led by Kathy Cramer)
  • Racial Capitalism and the Study of APE (led by Chloe Thurston)

We have held the Summer Academy each year since 2020. In the past, specialized sections have included:

  • American political institutions and political economy (led by Nate Kelly)
  • Labor and the party system (led by Dan Galvin)
  • APE from the Bottom-up (led by Jamila Michener)
  • Populism (led by Peter Hall)
  • Social policy (led by Jane Gingrich)
  • Local governance and housing policy (led by Margaret Weir)
  • Federalism (led by Jake Grumbach)
  • Finance and corporate governance (led by Ben Braun)
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